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Weak Erections : What Are The Reasons ? Surprising Answers And Important Remedies Here

For most males on this planet, the image of self is inevitably linked to a perception of masculinity which in turn involves functioning and performing well sexually. When a man failed to to achieve or sustain an erection, the common question is asked “how to get a harder erection“. But first, he needs to know why things can go wrong. Here are the 3 stages of producing and maintaining an erection:

First Stage: Sexual arousal, getting sexually excited from our thoughts and senses.

Second Stage Erection: The brain communicates the sexual arousal to the body which increases blood flow to your penis.

Third Stage Erection: Blood vessels that supply blood to the penis relax allowing an increased blood supply to flow into the penile shafts thus producing an erection.

If anything affects any of these stages, erectile dysfunction or ED can happen. The good news is that nonphysical causes of erectile difficulties are the major cause in only 10% to 20% of cases. In such circumstances, you are deemed to have psychogenic erectile dysfunction. The most common psychological problems can be related to: inhibited libido, anxiety disorders, depression, mental fatigue, stress, guilt, relationship problems, and lack of interest in sex by partner etc.

Often, the fundamental factor is anxiety or depression. One study found that erectile difficulties is nearly twice as common among depressed men as it is among those who aren’t depressed. Keep in mind, though, that nonphysical causes of erectile dysfunction play a contributing role in most cases, no matter what the cause. Even if the cause is purely physical or medical, erectile dysfunction is almost certain to have an emotional and psychological impact.

These emotional consequences can result in the kind of performance anxiety that triggers more severe ED cases. When this happens, a guy may begin to avoid his partner or make excuses for not having sexual intersourse . At this stage, the role of the psychological difficulties may in fact overshadow the original medical or physical cause. To correct the problem, you’ll need to address both the physical problem and the psychological one.

A very special type of dysfunction is what’s called as excessive masturbation impotence. It is a fact that masturbation causes less tension for males than sex does, so it may well be that a man gets anxious when he is preparing to have sexual intersourse with a partner. Another issue is our own education. Feeling guilty about how often you masturbate could be the real issue for the onset of an ED . If you are experiencing negative emotions/thoughts related to the frequency of masturbation, masturbating less often may solve the problem.

Having said all things, there fo course some things you can do to get a harder erection, physically :-

1. Erection strengthening exercise techniques can help improve conditions of erectile dysfunction. Check out the best brand here : Penis Health exercise program

2. Herbal erection enhancer pills can also help blood flow and strengthen a weak or soft erection – plus help in making your penis look bigger. Check out the top brand here : ProSolution Pills review

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