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Panic And Anxiety Attack

Panic attacks are a big issue for a lot of people and many sufferers would like to find out how to stop panick attacks now.

The symptoms of a panic attack are the same for the majority of sufferers and can be very frightening. Most panic attacks start for no reason and in the most unlikely of places. For example, you might simply be standing in line in a shop when suddenly you will feel like your heart is racing, your breathing becomes faster and you feel like you just have to get out of there now. The panic will rise and rise until you end up fleeing from the situation you are in and can relieve the anxiety that has built up.

It’s an awful feeling not being in control, but there are many methods you can use to stop panick attacks now and start to get your life back. The first thing to remember is that panic attacks are harmless and they are simply a natural reaction called the fight or flight process. When the body comes under threat this process kicks in and prepares the body to fight or flee to safety . You have probably done the latter so many times that is has become natural to do so .

But how about if you stayed and fought the situation instead? Stopping a panic attack in its tracks is all up to you and can be done using simple breathing techniques and visualisation. When you start to suffer a panic attack , focus on your breathing. During a panic attack your breathing becomes shallow and this means too much carbon dioxide is allowed to build up in your blood. This will cause your muscles to tense including those in your chest causing more panic as you feel you are having a heart attack or cannot breathe.

Try instead to breathe from the abdomen taking deeper slower breaths. More oxygen will enter your bloodstream and you will feel less tense and more in control. Continue to repeat this until you feel more relaxed and able to deal with the situation you are in. It may take a few attempts using this technique before you start to feel calmer, but you will feel so much better for trying to get your life back and stop your panic attacks now.

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