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Acne Remedy For Oily Skin

The correlation between oily skins and acne is pretty high. So, if you have an oily skin type and are facing problems with acne, this post will provide some tips and information on possible natural acne remedies for your skin type. This is the second post in my series on acne remedy for different skin types. You can read the first part here that talks about natural acne remedy for dry skin.

Why you have oily skin and acne

Oily skins can be caused by a host of reasons. Listed below are some of these causes:

* Diet
* Hormone level changes such as during teen years and menopause
* Pregnancy
* Birth control pills
* Cosmetics you use
* Humidity and hot weather

Actually, oily skin is good for providing moisture to your skin, which helps to delay aging. The problem however is that the oil will clog the pores of the skin. This is turn will result in blackheads and pimples. Hence, the way to treat acne for oily skin is to seek treatments that involve keeping pores from getting clogged and blemishes from appearing.

Acne remedies for oily skin can be achieved through 2 ways: internal well functioning of our body as well as the right external care for our skin.

* Healthy diet – Any acne remedy for oily skin needs to start at the internal level. This means beginning with your diet. The best way is to go for a well balance meal which is served best by diets that include daily servings of all the food groups. Go for more vitamin B in your food intake, which is important for skin care. Examples of food with high vitamin B include are found in organ meats, wheat germ, egg yolk, nuts and beans. Also, try to limit the amount of fat, oil, and sugar in your diet. Starting skin care with a well balanced diet not only improves your skin but your overall health as well.

* Mild cleanser – Choose a mild cleanser for the cleansing for your skin with the use of lukewarm, not hot, water. Other alternatives include a mild medicated soap or an antibacterial cleansing lotion. To avoid having acne, try to wash your face two or three times a day, and, also take care to wipe away excess oil with either an antibacterial astringent or one containing acetone.

* Moisturizing masks – Another regular routine you should have is to use a clay or mud musk weekly so that you can clear the oil clogs. When choosing a mask, go for types that have a more gentle effect on the skin.

* Go for the right cosmetics – Choosing the right cosmetics for your skin is very crucial if you are having acne problems. A wrong choice can lead to more oil clogs that could worsen your problem. A good tip is this: before applying makeup, use an antiseptic day cream with active ingredients.

Watch out of the below
*Don’t smoke – If you are a smoker, please stop. It damages the overall skin as well as your health.

* No to oil-based sunscreen – Don’t use oil-based sunscreen as it will worsen your oil skin problem and can potentially lead to acne problems.

* Mange your stress – Doctors have found out that there is a direct link between stress and acne so try to reduce stress if possible. Use yoga or other forms of exercises to relax your mind.

* Never touch your pimples – Doing so could lead to inflammation and infection. Worse still, it could also push the infected materials deep into the skin and create more swelling. Finally, this might even cause permanent scarring.

Natural acne remedies for oily skin needs to start at the basic level. The guide provided above should give you some tips on how to find the right acne remedy for your problems .

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