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A Guide To Treat Acne During Pregnancy

This article talks about pregnancy acne.

You might never thought of it but pregnancy can be a cause of acne problems. The reason for acne during pregnancy can be attributed to the the increase in hormones during pregnancy. As your hormone levels rise, your pores production of oil increases, leading to oily skin. Although such an increase in oil levels will not always lead to acne issues, for others, oily skin will cause problems. In fact, you might find that the acne not only appearing in your face but over your entire body as well. Hnece, acne during pregnancy will become a problem. So, what is a suitable acne remedy during pregnancy? Read on and find out.

Try natural acne remedy

Pregnancy acne is a rather complicated issue as we are restricted to the use of the type of drugs we can use. We definitely don’t want any side effects on the baby. In particular, please stay away from any acne remedy that contain Tetracycline, Salicyclic Acid (a common ingredient in over-the-counter acne treatments), Tretinon (sold under the brand name Retin-A), and Isotrentinoin (sold under the brand name Accutane). In the event that your acne is severe and you need to use drugs, please select those that include benzoyl peroxide which have been tested as safe to use while pregnant. However, before using medication, let’s try to use natural acne remedy.

Selection of natural acne remedy

The basic of any acne treatment is to have clean and oil free skin through diligently washing it. When you are cleaning your face, do ensure that you clean and rinse your skin with lukewarm water thoroughly to remove any soap residue that might be left over. For the choice of cleanser, choose the oil-free type to reduce adding on to the oil levels already present on your skin.

Once you have a cleaning routine, you should next develop good dietary habits as well. In particular, look out for foods that contain antioxidants(good guys)that help fight off free radicals(bad guys) which causes diseases like acne. Foods like salmon, dark green veggies, olives, berries, strawberries, cantaloupe, and xtra virgin olive oil all contain powerful antioxidants. Not only will your skin begin to look better, but this kind of diet will also be beneficial for the baby!

If you need to take some remedies, there are some that are made of natural herbs which is more suitable for people who are pregnant.You should check the labels to ensure that no artificial drugs have been added. These herbs and natural ingredients for natural acne remedy can include Oleum Melaleuca, Oleum Lavandula, Oleum Carophylii, Calendula Officinalis, Symphytum, Echinacea, Arctium lappa, Bulbine frutescence, Lavender essesntial oil, Azadirachta, Melaleuca Alternifolia or Tea Tree Oil, and Aspalathus linearis.

Things to avoid

Reducing stress levels during pregnancy acne is a must if you want to contain or lessen the problem. Learning to manage stress will help to control your acne. Regular daily exercise that are suitable for pregnancy can help to increase blood flow to the skin, and will help it to be more tone and stay more healthy.

Also, remember that you should not touch your acne as doing so will only make it worse. Keep your hands off those pimples! Resist the temptation to pop them or pick at them as this can cause the bacteria to spread. Not only that, doing so might leave acne scars.

In conclusion, having acne during pregnancy is not unusual. With the use of natural acne remedy, you can avoid or reduce pregnancy acne.

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