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Why Medication Is Not The Answer For Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms

Even if you are healthy, coping with any of the anxiety panic attack symptoms initially could easily be one of the most frightening feelings anyone ever experiences ~ no matter what age, male or female.

Often the experience is enough to bring on the worry of having another panic attack, making the victim try to find any kind of anxiety attack panic treatment. The convenience of medication is often what people choose because it is thought to be more convenient and also because some victims are worried about facing their next panic attack without help. This is why a natural cure for panic attack is usually best.

The first medication usually prescribed to ward off anxiety panic attack symptoms are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which greatly reduce the frequency of the panic attacks, but it takes several weeks from starting the medication to see any benefits.

Another medicinal option is benzodiazepines which are a lot faster in dropping the panic attack frequency. However, this benefit comes at a cost in that these drugs are well known to give many nasty side effects, and have to be taken throughout the day over a period of a few weeks.

Why then are doctors handing out prescriptions for SSRIs, benzodiazepines and other drugs that are used for anxiety attack panic treatment when they are costly, produce nasty side effects and are generally troublesome? Mainly because many patients regard them as the only answer to their problem ~ basically they are seen as a quick, easy fix.

Patients who have gone through anxiety panic attack symptoms often just need the reassurance that they will not fall over the edge ~ what they need primarily, more than just any anxiety attack panic treatment, is the confidence to get through another day.

Medicinal prescriptions often foster a feeling of dependency and take away the means to build up confidence and the drugs often make the victims think of the medicine as some kind of crutch that they totally rely on and that without the medicine they cannot deal with anxiety panic attack symptoms alone.

This problem is what should really worry both doctors and patients, even more than the nasty side effects. The drugs only provide temporary relief and if used constantly the victim will continue to worry for the rest of their lives that the panic attacks will return.

Another problem with medicinal remedies is that eventually the body will build up a natural tolerance so that with prolonged use the drug will become less effective and it will come as a huge shock to find that one day the crutch that was relied upon is no longer there.

All the reasons that I have outlined must surely confirm that natural cure for panic attacks should be given preference to medication. Obviously natural remedies do not give instant relief but when the benefits do start they will last indefinitely and by following this course patients will learn that they can overcome anxiety panic attack symptoms and regain their confidence alone.

Anyone can overcome the need to eliminate panic attacks without medicine. When patients realize there will be no more panic attacks they lost the fear thus reducing the threat of anxiety panic attack symptoms to nothing other than a bad memory.

Panic attacks are very common to everyone. If you are looking for natural remedies for panic attacks, you have come to the right place. Finding out the natural remedies for panic attacks is not actually difficult. You just have to find ways to look for natural remedies for panic attacksnatural remedies for panic attacks.

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