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Should You Really Lose Weight By Detoxing?

Detox diets to lose weight are becoming quite mainstream these days, but are they really a good idea? Many people swear by detox regimes, and some even make them a part of their regular regime. On the other hand, some including members of the medical profession) are more circumspect about the benefits that have been claimed for detox diets – especially their weight loss properties. If you’re thinking about detoxing for weight loss, read on.

Detoxing involves taking a break from your usual diet and lifestyle habits in order to eat a lighter, more natural diet (or in some cases, to cut out food altogether for a few days). Cleansing diets may be supplemented by things like herbs, enemas or colonics, in order to cleanse the body at a deeper level. Since a typical cleansing regime involves cutting out the fatty, sugary processed foods that are common contributors to obesity, most people lose weight as a side effect of detoxing. This has lead to media promotion of detox as a good way to lose weight.

However, as with any low calorie regime, the weight loss is usually only temporary. This is because most people return to their previous diet after detoxing, and thus their body returns to its normal set point. In addition, much of the initial weight loss consists of water and stored glycogen, not fat, and these are quickly replenished. So detoxing to lose weight is not such a good idea if you want to keep the weight off permanently.

However, cleanses do have one major benefit when it comes to weight loss. If you spend a few days or more eating very lightly (or perhaps doing a juice diet or regime such as the Master Cleanse), the chances are you’ll feel so energised that you don’t want to spoil that feeling by eating junky foods. And the longer you keep eating and drinking pure foods, the easier it becomes, as your body’s tastes begin to change. You’ll find that the cravings for sugar and junk foods dissolve, making it much easier to stick to a healthy weight loss diet afterwards.

So you probably will regain at least part of the weight you lose while detoxing, but doing a cleanse is a great way to kick start a new healthy eating regime and give you the motivation to maintain your new habits. It’ll also make you feel great and may improve your health too. Just make sure you use it as don’t use it as another type of crash diet.

Find out more information about detoxing to lose weight, and if you want an easy, healthy and effective eating plan that will help you to lose the weight and keep it off for life, check out Strip That Fat – I have tried this diet myself with great results, and you can read my detailed Strip That Fat user review here.

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