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Top Five Ways To Fail At Weight Loss

To start this off I’m going to be completely honest with you. Losing weight is not nearly as simple as it looks. To be totally honest , to get the body you wish for you will have to make some radical changes to your entire lifestyle.

If I didn’t frighten you then you are already in the top 3% of those people who really want to lose the weight and get the body they want, but for reasons unknown, it just never happens.

And it is not because they didn’t want it enough , but it is because they don’t want to consistently alter their lifestyle to turn a bad one into a healthy one.

Many people will prefer to stay at the same boring old job that they can’t stand simply because they are too scared to change something . A steady job brings a feeling of security and a rather steady income. And the same goes for weight loss, eating that chocolate and not exercising is also comforting.

If you’re ready to change and actually want to be responsible for your actions then I know without a doubt that you can deal with absolutely anything you like .

These are top 5 things the 97% of unsuccessful people do and what you must never do.

1. Fear. Fear is the little ugly guy sitting on your shoulder constantly dictating you that you can’t do what you really want because to do so would mean that you have to go outside your familiar zone. But we will all experience fear whether we like it or not, but the true test is not to avoid fear. The secret is to feel the fear but do it anyway.

2. Too Many Excuses. Being an experienced personal trainer I’ve heard every excuse in the world why you can’t work out or be healthy. I know life can get crazy, but you should consider it an investment to take care of your health . What would you choose: to exercise and eat healthy today, or pay the medical and psychological bills tomorrow?

3. Absence of Goals. I constantly meet people who come to me with incomplete ambitions of what they want to accomplish while training. I understand you want to reduce weight and look fabulous, but instead write down where you are now and then think where you want to be and by when. Think of this every day for extra motivation that will inspire you to go to the gym when you’re feeling “too exhausted ” to work out.

4. You’re Lazy. Our bodies and minds want to stay in homeostasis which is great for surviving but it’s horrible for thriving. Getting the body you dream of and living the ultimate lifestyle requires that you work hard and dedicate yourself to your goals. There’s no magic pill that will do all the work for you.

5. Bad Attitude. Attitude could not be more underestimated [s/pin] [spin] in my opinion when it comes to weight reducing . Losing weight is going to be a tough road and you have to have a great attitude from from the very beginning and till the end . Without a great attitude you will simply crumble and die as the road gets tougher and tougher. Having a great positive attitude is absolutely necessary for success and without it you will unavoidably end in failure .

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