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Make Your Penis Larger: Learn Great Ways Of Doing It

Do you think women don’t care about penis size? One can say, there is a idea going along that “a big penis is not crucial for women, it’s how functionally you perform with it”. I am sure everyone can smell the deception here.

But in case you’re average and was using this lie to comfort yourself – let me crush your comforts and PROVE that a big dick is important for women in sex life. It will therefore also prove to you that penis enlargement IS necessary if your size is average or smaller.

OK, there’s the obvious “bigger means more stimulation for the vagina” thing. Yes, it IS obvious, and it IS true. However, the reason to have a big penis I am going to tell you is not this completely physical thing. It has less to do with actual physical stimulation and has more to do with psychology. Making your penis bigger has to do with psychology.

Hmm. I am sure you have heard about the bull about the nerve endings in a woman’s vagina. They say that most nerve endings (which are supposed to give women pleasure during sex by being stimulated by the penis thrusts) lie within the first few inches, and thus it would not make a difference whether you have a 6″ dick or a 9″. So enlarging your penis isn’t necessary… right.

Not that this is completely unproved by a number of scientific researches, but it also does not take into consideration the girth of a penis, which is indeed more important than the length when it comes to stimulating.

I do not think I need to tell you how important a woman’s psychology is in helping her to get pleasure from sex and reach that ultimate point which all MEN and WOMEN desire to reach: the great female orgasm. You would want to enlarge your penis if you thought it would lead to the female orgasm.

Now, think about a woman’s breasts. Yeah, yeah, delicious, right? And do I need to tell you that women with bigger breasts are much more looked after by men than small breasted women? Why is that?? Does a female breast have ANYTHING to do with a man’s pleasure during his penetration of the woman’s vagina? The truth is, breasts have nothing to do with male pleasure but most people prefer a bigger breast. And some people prefer smaller breasts – but that’s the point: Everyone PREFER a certain breast type over another even if they have nothing to do with the actual pleasure they are going to get from penetration.

Do you see the analogy with enlarging your penis? Just as even if the breast size does not matter for pleasure people prefer some types of breasts over others (most prefer bigger, of course); females prefer some penis sizes over others psychologically. Even if it has nothing to do with their actual pleasure (which it DOES have something to do).

I am sure you get the analogy and actually see the need to make your penis bigger now.

Here are some articles for you to read.

Make Your Penis Longer
Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Find free tips for height weight calculator – this is your individual guide.

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