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Archive of posts tagged skincare

How To Take Care Of Your Facial Skin

Your face is like the only representation of your soul to the outside world. The outlay of the face depends on how you take care of it and the skin. The face is undoubtedly the part of the body which is exposed for most part of the day and therefore it becomes and imperative to […]

Experts In Norway Warn Of Poor Qaulity Skin Care Products On The Net

Skin care is a massive industry, and a competitive one at that. The Internet has spawned many opportunities for smaller businesses to sell their goods as they can avoid having to pay large costs for things like shop fronts and transportation to different areas of distribution. The downside of this of course is that almost […]

The Beautiful Go Natural

Research from the University of Louisiana has shown that the more natural the skin care products you use, the better you will retain your looks. Both dermatological and sociological departments of the university were involved in the research study, which sampled over 5000 people, over a period of 5 years. The study aimed to determine […]