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Archive of posts filed under the Pain Relief category.

Sharp Heel Pain: How I Recently Ended It.

I’ve been dealing with a sharp heel pain in my foot for about a year and I finally was able to dispose of it. I absolutely can not tell you how amazing it feels to not have to deal about it all the time. I absolutely have to say, my life has totally changed now […]

Heel Pain After Running: Beating It Is Actually Pretty Easy.

Heel Pain after running can be near unbearable at times, I know. As a former long time foot pain victim I have a very true understanding of how bad it can be to wake up with it, deal with it, then not be able to fall asleep because of it. I’ve spent a lot of […]

Aromatherapy Recipes For Headache Relief

Headaches are one of the most common of medical complaints. Most people experience headache pain at one time or another. Everyone, young and old, male and female, suffers from headaches from time to time. These may range from minor, nagging headaches to full-blown, incapacitating neurovascular migraines. Most headaches are not caused by serious medical conditions. […]